‘He’s the one who came home’

[This originally appeared in E-Tangata on 6 May 2018] There’s a photo of my great-grandparents, Erueti Bidois and Ataraira Edwards, on the day they got married, in 1917. They sit uncomfortably: Erueti is in his best suit and Ataraira is wearing what I’ve been told is her senior school uniform, probably from St Joseph’s Māori… Read More ‘He’s the one who came home’

Why my tamariki are feeling hopeful about the new government

[The original article was published at e-Tangata on 22 October 2017] The announcement of the new government by Winston Peters on Thursday night felt more like a Melbourne Cup than politics. I livestreamed Radio NZ’s Checkpoint as I charged around Countdown with my tamariki picking up a few extras for dinner — but nothing happened… Read More Why my tamariki are feeling hopeful about the new government

The State cannot understand whānau; the State cannot restore whānau

“There are close connections between the structure of the family and the structure of the nation.” – Frantz Fanon, Black Skins, White Masks pp 141. I was struck still for a moment when I read these words. I have been involved with supporting whānau in a myriad of settings over 15 years as a professional… Read More The State cannot understand whānau; the State cannot restore whānau

The Ashley Madison hack: the rights of the community & the triumph of the individual

The Impact Team, a group of hackers, has followed through on their threats and dumped, en masse, 35 million + email addresses and other details they hacked from Ashley Madison online for all and sundry to trawl through. Ashley Madison is the champ of online affairs; specifically targeting married people, their byline is “Life’s short, have… Read More The Ashley Madison hack: the rights of the community & the triumph of the individual

“Love… always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.” 15 years of marriage to a wonderful woman.

I was in Pak’n’Save this afternoon, saving money apparently whilst buying a range of essential household items. At the checkout a woman perhaps in her 50s was admiring the wedding and engagement rings of the checkout worker. In the midst of the compliments both women commented, I presume about the institution of marriage, “you don’t… Read More “Love… always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.” 15 years of marriage to a wonderful woman.