Disapproval Voting: When there’s no-one worth voting for, we need to be able to vote for no-one

I watched the circus of Judith Collins’ resignation as a Minister today. It was an overwhelming input of tweets, posts, commentary and live television that must leave us more disturbed than consoled at the state of our Parliament and democracy. I have so many questions: if she resigned for planning to besmirch the head of the Serious… Read More Disapproval Voting: When there’s no-one worth voting for, we need to be able to vote for no-one

Keep ’em hungry, keep ’em poor: fear of revolt & the outrage about Internet Mana’s benefactor

The belief that Internet Mana has sold out to the nefarious Kim Dotcom has become orthodoxy in this chaotic election campaign. From the below the belt ‘sugar daddy’ accusations by John Key to the urban myth that Mana candidates and supporters are now turning up to community meetings in Mercedes cars, it seems founding a… Read More Keep ’em hungry, keep ’em poor: fear of revolt & the outrage about Internet Mana’s benefactor

Dirty Politics: it’s not about getting rid of them, but getting rid of the us & them

Since the release of Dirty Politics, my timelines in various media have been full of activists and party workers from the Left enjoying the discomfort of the National Party and forlornly encouraging people to vote to get rid of them. Their contention is that some combination of Labour, Greens and Internet Mana will be a… Read More Dirty Politics: it’s not about getting rid of them, but getting rid of the us & them

Nicky Hager’s Dirty Politics: Why John Key will be pretty relaxed about that

Critics and supporters alike spend an inordinate amount of time talking about John Key’s smile. But it’s the eyes that have it, not the smile. The eyes are the secret to his success. But more about that later. I’ve read a lot of Noam Chomsky over the years and I was lucky enough to hear… Read More Nicky Hager’s Dirty Politics: Why John Key will be pretty relaxed about that